Hexchat Theme
Andrew Crouthamel
2017-03-07 06:15:59 UTC
Hello everyone,

I spent more time than I'd like to admit tonight making a custom Hexchat
theme for Xubuntu, based off of the default Xubuntu Dark Terminal colors. I
know Xubuntu doesn't ship with Hexchat, but I wanted to offer it to the
team anyway. Maybe it could be added to an auxillary area of the website or

I've attached it here for consideration and comments/tweaks.

Andrew Crouthamel
Andrew Crouthamel
2017-03-07 06:40:13 UTC
I realized the selection background color was the same as the normal
background color, which didn't work. Here is a new version, matching the
selection color from Xubuntu Dark. Much better.

Andrew Crouthamel
Post by Andrew Crouthamel
Hello everyone,
I spent more time than I'd like to admit tonight making a custom Hexchat
theme for Xubuntu, based off of the default Xubuntu Dark Terminal colors. I
know Xubuntu doesn't ship with Hexchat, but I wanted to offer it to the
team anyway. Maybe it could be added to an auxillary area of the website or
I've attached it here for consideration and comments/tweaks.
Andrew Crouthamel
Florian Coste
2017-03-07 09:20:27 UTC

Could you provide a screenshot of your work, please ? I don't use Hexchat
usually but I would like to see what you've done.

Post by Andrew Crouthamel
I realized the selection background color was the same as the normal
background color, which didn't work. Here is a new version, matching the
selection color from Xubuntu Dark. Much better.
Andrew Crouthamel
Post by Andrew Crouthamel
Hello everyone,
I spent more time than I'd like to admit tonight making a custom Hexchat
theme for Xubuntu, based off of the default Xubuntu Dark Terminal colors. I
know Xubuntu doesn't ship with Hexchat, but I wanted to offer it to the
team anyway. Maybe it could be added to an auxillary area of the website or
I've attached it here for consideration and comments/tweaks.
Andrew Crouthamel
xubuntu-devel mailing list
Andrew Crouthamel
2017-03-08 03:10:57 UTC
Sure, one is attached. My nick in the chat is Perigee, which is why it has
the yellow surrounding the nick.

Andrew Crouthamel
Post by Florian Coste
Could you provide a screenshot of your work, please ? I don't use Hexchat
usually but I would like to see what you've done.
Post by Andrew Crouthamel
I realized the selection background color was the same as the normal
background color, which didn't work. Here is a new version, matching the
selection color from Xubuntu Dark. Much better.
Andrew Crouthamel
Post by Andrew Crouthamel
Hello everyone,
I spent more time than I'd like to admit tonight making a custom Hexchat
theme for Xubuntu, based off of the default Xubuntu Dark Terminal colors. I
know Xubuntu doesn't ship with Hexchat, but I wanted to offer it to the
team anyway. Maybe it could be added to an auxillary area of the website or
I've attached it here for consideration and comments/tweaks.
Andrew Crouthamel
xubuntu-devel mailing list
xubuntu-devel mailing list
Florian Coste
2017-03-11 17:21:52 UTC
Oh this is nice ;) Great job ! But, I think I will still use the weechat
Post by Andrew Crouthamel
Sure, one is attached. My nick in the chat is Perigee, which is why it has
the yellow surrounding the nick.
Andrew Crouthamel
Post by Florian Coste
Could you provide a screenshot of your work, please ? I don't use Hexchat
usually but I would like to see what you've done.
Post by Andrew Crouthamel
I realized the selection background color was the same as the normal
background color, which didn't work. Here is a new version, matching the
selection color from Xubuntu Dark. Much better.
Andrew Crouthamel
Post by Andrew Crouthamel
Hello everyone,
I spent more time than I'd like to admit tonight making a custom
Hexchat theme for Xubuntu, based off of the default Xubuntu Dark Terminal
colors. I know Xubuntu doesn't ship with Hexchat, but I wanted to offer it
to the team anyway. Maybe it could be added to an auxillary area of the
website or something?
I've attached it here for consideration and comments/tweaks.
Andrew Crouthamel
xubuntu-devel mailing list
xubuntu-devel mailing list
xubuntu-devel mailing list
Andrew Crouthamel
2017-03-08 15:14:57 UTC
Also, per request/suggestion of Unit193, I've created a Git repo for easy
distribution/viewing screenshots, etc:

Any forks are welcome if you have improvements, I'm certainly no HexChat
theming expert.

Andrew Crouthamel
Post by Florian Coste
Could you provide a screenshot of your work, please ? I don't use Hexchat
usually but I would like to see what you've done.
Post by Andrew Crouthamel
I realized the selection background color was the same as the normal
background color, which didn't work. Here is a new version, matching the
selection color from Xubuntu Dark. Much better.
Andrew Crouthamel
Post by Andrew Crouthamel
Hello everyone,
I spent more time than I'd like to admit tonight making a custom Hexchat
theme for Xubuntu, based off of the default Xubuntu Dark Terminal colors. I
know Xubuntu doesn't ship with Hexchat, but I wanted to offer it to the
team anyway. Maybe it could be added to an auxillary area of the website or
I've attached it here for consideration and comments/tweaks.
Andrew Crouthamel
xubuntu-devel mailing list
xubuntu-devel mailing list