Xubuntu Testers IRC Session
2017-05-08 07:25:09 UTC
For the session it's not necessary to have anything installed other than
a working browser.

It will help to have at least the following open in your browser:

* http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/

* http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/

* https://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa.html

* https://wiki.xubuntu.org/qa/isotesting

We'll be using the Xubuntu team's development channel for the most part,
if IRC is just some acronym that means little - you can join the channel
from the teams dev tracker - https://dev.xubuntu.org/ .

Go to the IRC tab - this opens a webchat tab, deal with the Captcha,
then Connect, eventually you'll find yourself in the #xubuntu-devel
<http://pad.ubuntu.com/ep/search?query=xubuntu-devel>channel (you can
see channel names in the status at top) in the bar at the bottom type
/join #xubuntu-offtopic

You are now in both channels. When you want to ask a question - please
do so in the -offtopic channel, using [QUESTION] - Dave (akxwi-dave)
will be reading in there and will paste questions into the devel channel
at appropriate times.

If you know what IRC is and use it - then join the channels as you
normally would ;)

We'll be covering 5 subjects during the session:

* Testing for SRU bug fixes

* Milestone and Daily ISO testing

* Package testing

* Exploratory testing

* Testing Xfce git packages

[1] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg